Friday, August 22, 2014

The USS Kidd returns to San Diego; Happy Homecoming! {Van Nordheim Family}

The first new friend I made when we moved to San Diego was Jennifer. She moved to the same neighborhood the same week I did. We hit it off right away and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know her over the last 5 months. Not along after we all arrived in San Diego Jennifer's husband, Christian, flew out to join his ship on deployment. Yesterday I spent the morning documenting one of the most cherished events in any military wife's life. Homecoming. I enjoyed spending the day with Jennifer and her kids while we anxiously waited for the USS Kidd to arrive. Once the ship made it in and Christian was safely back on the ground this family was understandably full of joy. And Catherine, their sweet daughter, oh man... once she got in her Daddy's arms she just wouldn't let go. Such a sweet moment for this family and I am so honored that I was able to be there for them and capture it all. Welcome home, Christian! 


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