Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A lovely wedding in the mountains. Part five - The lovely couple. {Miller Family}

After the ceremony the bride, groom and I jumped into the four wheeler and headed to Pike National Forest just a couple miles from the ceremony site. It was so fun to be able to photograph them in such a breathtaking setting. Right before we arrived to our location the bride's dress was pulled under the tires of the four wheeler. The dress had a massive rip and a big mud stain. And the bride, Melanie, looked at it and said, "Eh. We will pin and bustle it before the reception. No problem."
I think you'll agree when you see these photos that Melanie was a bride that focused on what was important that day, and let the rest roll of her shoulders. I certainly wasn't that cool or collected on my wedding day! What a doll.

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