Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Mr. and Mrs. Beach - Part Two: The Ceremony

Here's part two - the ceremony. If you haven't seen part one yet, you can find it
The ceremony itself was short and sweet thanks to a very handsome and entertaining officiant (my husband, Eric!) Jacqui and Andre had decided not to see each other prior to the ceremony but they did take a moment to grab a picture. This first photo is of Jacqui's brothers blocking her from view. Too cute! 

I could have happily killed the tree that caused these shadows. Unfortunately, things like this happen and you can't very well pause the ceremony and move everyone over a few steps. Although, I certainly wished that I could. None the less, I love the expression on Andre's face when he first saw his bride. In fact, he actually mouthed the word, "wow." And with good reason - Jacqui is simply stunning. 

Greeting the guests:

The Marriage License




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