Saturday, March 18, 2017

A day in this life - March 9, 2017

For the third year in a row I photographed a day in our life. Just a regular, ordinary, busy, exhausting and crazy fun day. I love to look back on our past documented days (here you can see 2015 and 2016) and see how things have changed. Every year so far has come with massive changes for our family. In 2015 we had only two kids, in 2016 we had added Kelsie to our family and were enjoying life in San Diego. Now here we are in 2017 – Kelsie is almost 2 years old and we are now living in Colorado. In the first home Eric and I bought (13 years ago!) and Eric is no longer in the Navy. 
So many things have changed in the last year that I have had a hard time keeping up. 
I can only imagine what next year will look like.
As usual, spending an entire day with a camera in hand while trying to parent, teach, cook, clean and generally keep the chaos that comes with three kids down to a minimum is exhausting. But as always I feel like it is so worth it in the end. I sincerely recommend that every family do this once a year. It’s incredible to see how things change. And it’s such a gift to be able to look at, remember and to one day share with my children.
Here is a day in our life – Thursday, March 9, 2017.