Monday, October 3, 2016

Letters to my Children (Kaia - October 2016)

Last month I started a new photo project called 'Letters to my Children.' You can read all about it here. This month the focus is on my favorite middle child.

Dear Kaia, all of a sudden out of no where you seem so grown to me. You are starting to lose your 'baby talk' and your sweet round baby face is changing and maturing. I cannot believe that you will be 4 years old next month! I still remember with great detail (and I don't remember much these days) your incredible entrance into this world. The way that you stole my heart in the first moment our eyes met. You still have it. Now here you are, a wonderfully sassy, intelligent and beautiful little girl. And I can hardly believe my good fortune that you are mine. You make me smile daily. You are the most affectionate person that I know and I love snuggling up with you and you putting me to sleep by rubbing my "polka dot arm." You are my best big girl and I will never be able to express what you mean to me. I love you baby girl. 
Love, Mommy

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